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    Standard League Of Legends Helper Tool

    League Of Legends Helper Tool



    • SkinHack

    Nutze jeden Skin! Selbst nicht mehr erhältliche Skins sind verwendbar wie z.B. UFO Corki, PAX Sivir, etc.

    • Menü (F8)

    Ein eigenes Menü mit allen Funktionen des LOLHelpers stehen dir zur Verfügung durch Klicken von F8 inGame!

    • DebugMode (1)

    Selbst wenn mal etwas nicht funktioniert, wird dir der Fehler angezeigt, anstatt einen BugSplat zu verursachen.

    • ExtraCamFov 0~4

    Erhöht die Sicht im Nebel des Krieges. Dieser Modus ermöglicht es dir mehr zu sehen, ähnlich wie der ZoomHack nur undetected.

    • MyRange (1)

    Erstellt einen Kreis um deinen Champion, welcher die AA Range um deinen Champion

    • HPBarColor

    Ändere die Farbe deines Lebensbalkens um die Orientierung in Teamfights nicht zu verlieren!

    • ExpRange (1)

    Erstellt einen weiß-transparenten Kreis um deinen Champion welche dir deutet, bis zu welcher Range du Erfahrung für ein getötetes Vasall erhälst.

    • PlayersRange (1)
    • PlayersRange (2)

    (1) erstellt einen Kreis um die Gegner, welche deren AA Range anzeigt. (2) hat die selbe Wirkung für deine Teammitglieder.

    • WardPlacement (1)

    Zeigt dir auf der Summoner's Rift map an, an welchen Stellen der Beste Ort zum warden ist, um maximale Sicht zu erhalten.

    • EnemyVision (1)

    Erstellt einen roten Kreis in dem Bereich, in dem der Gegner über Sicht verfügt. Sehr praktisch für jungle ganks!

    • GankDetector (1)

    Solltest du geganked werden, wird dich diese Funktion davor warnen, sofern du über Sicht verfügst! (Erkennt automatisch Jungler anhand des spells Zerschmettern)

    • TurretRange (1)

    Erstellt einen roten Kreis um Türme, welche die Range anzeigen in denen du angegriffen wirst.

    • MapRevealer (1)

    Zeigt dir die letzte Position des Gegners an nachdem er im FOW verschwindet, auch auf der minimap.

    • LastHitMarker (1)

    Malt einen Kreis um Vasallen, welche mit dem nächsten AutoAttack sterben werden.

    • SmiteMarker (1)

    Malt einen Kreis um BLUE, RED, DRAKE, BARON, sobald sie durch Zerschmettern sterben können.

    • SmiteRange (1)

    Erstellt einen Kreis um deinen Champion der dir die Range des Spells Zerschmettern symbolisiert.

    • IgniteMarker (1)

    Malt einen Kreis um Gegner, sobald sie durch den Spell Entzünden sterben können.

    • JungleTimers (1)

    Erstellt eine Liste im oberen Bereich des Bildschirms mit allen Jungle mobs, und wann diese wieder (re)spawnen werden.

    • ARAMTimers (1)

    Zeigt dir auf der Howlyng Abyss map an, wann die health relics wieder (re)spawnen.

    • InhibTimers (1)

    Zeigt dir an, wann feindliche und eigene Inhibitoren wieder aufgestellt werden, nachdem sie zerstört wurden.

    • ExtraChampInfo (1)

    Wenn du auf einen Champion klickst, werden dir weitere Informationen über diesen angezeigt, welche man eigentlich nur über das Kommando "C" erhält (über sich selbst).

    • SpellsStatus (1)

    Zeigt dir an, ob und welchen Spell der Gegner zur Verfügung oder auf Cooldown hat:
    Rot - cooldown
    Grün - verfügbar
    Blau - noch nicht geskillt

    • DrawSkillshots (1)

    Zeigt dir eine Linie an, wohin ein gegnerischer Skillshot landen wird, und ermöglicht dir leichteres ausweichen

    Weitere Funktionen (VIP ONLY):


    AntiAFK (1): (V.I.P ONLY) Prevents your champion from disconnecting in the game while you are not playing (afk).

    AntiHardCC (1): (V.I.P ONLY) Will use Mikael's Crucible, Quicksilver Sash, Mercurial Scimitar, Cleanse, Gangplanks Oranges, when you are feared, stunned, slowed, suppressed, impaled to remove the debuff if possible.

    AutoLastHit (1): (V.I.P ONLY) Will attempt to lasthit any minions low on HP gaining gold for you. While waiting, your champion is staying still, waiting for the next minion to become low on HP.
    AutoLastHit (2): (V.I.P ONLY) The same as AutoLastHit(1), but is active only when you are holding down the [ALT] key on your keyboard, meaning in teamfights it won't interrupt your attacks/running/chasing.

    AutoSmite (1): (V.I.P ONLY) Will attempt to use Smite on Blue, Red, Dragon, Baron as long as you can kill it.
    AutoSmite (2): (V.I.P ONLY) Will attempt to use Smite on Dragon, Baron as long as you can kill it.

    AutoIgnite (1): (V.I.P ONLY) Will cast Ignite on enemies which can be killed from it (are enough low on HP). Note that it can't predict if they are able to use shielding/potions/healing/lifestealing/spellvamp in the calculation, only the natural HP champion regen is taken into account.

    AutoCrFlask (%): (V.I.P ONLY) If you have Crystalline Flask in your inventory, and you drop below the specified percent, it will be used to restore your HP.

    AutoHPPots (%): (V.I.P ONLY) If you have Health Potion(s) in your inventory, and you drop below the specified percent, it will be used to restore your HP.

    AutoManaPts(%): (V.I.P ONLY) If you have Mana Potion(s) in your inventory, and you drop below the specified percent, it will be used to restore your MP.

    AutoHeal (%): (V.I.P ONLY) If you have Summoner Heal or Mikael's Crucible and you drop below the specified percent, it will be used to restore your HP.

    AutoBarrier (%): (V.I.P ONLY) If you have Summoner Barrier or Locket of the Iron Solari or Seraph's Embrace and you drop below the specified percent, those items/spells will be casted in order to give you a temporary shield.

    AutoZhonya (%): (V.I.P ONLY) If you have Zhonyas Hourglass in your inventory, and your HP drops below the specified percent, the item will be activated to freeze you and make you immortal for the period.

    AutoWardPlacer (1): (V.I.P ONLY) If you have Wards, Lantern or Sightstone in your inventory you can place them quickly into the right spots by pressing Z as long as you are in range. (Helps to be quick and precise, and concentrate into more important things)

    AutoOrbWalking (1): (V.I.P ONLY) With this feature enabled, whenever you left click on a champion you will make him your target. And whenever you have a target and hold down the [A] key on your keyboard, your champion will attack your enemy (if within range), and in the meantime will cancel the animation and start walking towards your mouse cursor.

    OrbWDelay (XX): (V.I.P ONLY) With this feature you specify if you have more ping and the attack animation milliseconds needs to be increased by an extra.

    AutoDodgeSpells (1): (V.I.P ONLY) Will attempt to dodge enemy skillshots in order to save your life. It might interrupt movement/chasing/running/attacking in order to perform that action (needs to be improved).

    ================================================== ========

    Champion Specific Features:

    SpellFarmMarker (1): Will draw a dark blue circle around enemy minions, which can be killed with your farming spell(s). (Supported champions: Irelia, Gangplank, Veigar, Annie, Ryze, Pantheon, Nasus, Katarina, Kassadin, Karthus, Akali)

    AutoSpellFarm (1): (V.I.P ONLY) Will automaticaly attempt to farm up any minions with your specific farming spell.
    AutoSpellFarm (2): (V.I.P ONLY) Will automaticaly attempt to farm up any minions with your specific farming spell if you are holding down the [CAPS LOCK] key.

    AutoCardPicker (1): (V.I.P ONLY) When you are TwistedFate, with [E] key you can automaticaly pick Blue card, With [T] you can automaticaly pick Gold card and with [SHIFT] you can automaticaly pick Red card.

    ================================================== ========

    [F9] Menu; LOLHT SpellBurst v2 features and explanation:

    ShowDebugInfo (1): If you were your own enemy, the burst damages are calculated depending on your own resistances and health. It shows with blue color if your spell is AP, with red if your spell is AD and with white if your spell does TRUE damage.

    IgnorePreDistance (1): Use this feature, if you are planning on using SkillShotPrediction with a value bigger than 1, and in case you are having a skillshot spell which doesn't depend on travel distance from you to the enemy, but instead is popping up from the ground or is falling from the sky, so the timing is the same always, such spells are like ChoGath[Q], KogMaw[R] or Veigar[W].

    SkillShotPrediction (0~20): Use this feature, if you are having a champion which uses skillshots, such as Ezreal or any other. Prediction depends on ping, fps and the distance between the enemy and you. Find which prediction suits best for you, but the best values vary from 7 to 15. As [8] is great on Ezreal Q and W.

    DrawPredictionCircle (1): When you click over an enemy with your left mouse, he becomes your target and a circle is drawn over him, green if he is not behind minions, and blue if he is hiding behind minions.

    SpellBurstMarker (1): Draws a solid light green circle around an enemy if you can kill him with your current abilities set for the burst in the F9 menu, this circle includes items and excludes spells which are on cooldown. (For example if all your spells are in the burst by default, but only your [Q] is not, and you still get a green circle it means that your [Q] can kill the enemy).

    BurstsCountToKill (1): This feature will draw a number over a champion, if you have specified any spells for burst combo. This will calculate how much bursts (excluding items) you need to perform over an enemy to kill him. (Includes spells which are currently on cooldown)

    GlobalUltKillNotifier (1): Whenever you have set a proper damage to your ultimate burst, and if you enable this feature, over your champion with yellow text will be drawn the name of the enemy champion(s) which you can kill. Be aware that you get notified about champions in the fog of war, which means you need to be careful about not wasting your ultimate.
    Supported champions are: Karthus, Lux, Ziggs, Ashe, Ezreal, Caitlyn, Draven).

    IncludeItemsInBurst (1): If you activate this feature, items like Deathfire Grasp, Hextech Gunblade, Bilgewater Cutlass or Blade of the Ruined King or Tiamat or Ravenous Hydra will be taken into account in your AutoSpellBurst, also those items always engage the combo if they exist and are not on cooldown.

    AutoSpellBurst (1): (V.I.P ONLY) If you have this feature activated, LOLHT will check which spells you have included in your burst, and in what order, and will try to cast them over a killable enemy, if you have included items in the burst, the items will engage the burst combo.

    PressSpaceToHarass (1): (V.I.P ONLY) If you have this enabled, and you have specified any spells for harass order in the burst combo section, whenever you left click over an enemy and he becomes your target, you can HOLD [SPACE] to harass him with a combo specified by you. Items are not included in harass combos.

    UseSmart[QWER] (1): (V.I.P ONLY) If you have this enabled, and you have specified any spells for harass order in the burst combo section then whenever you have marked with left click an enemy champion and you press Q/W/E/R it will be automaticaly casted on them without the need to hold mouse over the enemy.


    [X]SpellRange (125~1200): Specifies how much range the spell is having. (For example Blitz [Q] has 925 range).

    [X]DrawRange (1): Draws a circle around your champion, showing the spellrange of your [X]

    [X]IsSkillShot (1):With this feature, you specify in your Burst/Harass combo if the specific spell is a skillshot or a directly castable spell, for example Annie [Q] is a direct spell, but Annie [R] is a skillshot just like Ezreal [Q].

    [X]IsSkillShot (2): With this feature, you specify in your Burst/Harass combo if the specific spell is casted to your own champion or around him just like an AOE spell for example Blitzcrank [E] or Ultimate, or Darius [Q], [W].

    [X]IsMinionBlocked (1): If your spell is a skillshot, it might be possible that it's blocked by enemy minions (it collides in them). To be more specific for example Ezreal [Q] is blocked by minions but his [W] is not.

    [X]InHarassOrder (0~4): Specify if you want to use the specific spell in your harass combo with space. Set to 0 if you don't want to use in the harass combo.

    [X]InBurstOrder (0~4): Specify if you want to use the specific spell in your auto burst combo. Set to 0 if you don't want to use in the burst combo.

    [X]DmgType: (1~3): Specify what type of damage your specific spell is dealing, 1 is AP, 2 is AD, 3 is TRUEDMG. (For example Ezreal [Q] does AD dmg, Ezreal [W,E,R] does AP dmg, and Olaf [E] does TRUEDMG).

    [X]DmgAtLvl1 (0~1000): Specify how much damage your spell does at level 1. (For example Ezreal [Q] at level 1 does 35 dmg)

    [X]DmgPerLvl (0~1000): Specify how much damage your spell gains per level. (For example Ezreal [Q] gains 20 dmg per lvl, it's calculated by subbing lvl 2dmg from lvl1 dmg, in this case 55-35=2)

    +[X]AP % (0~500): Specify how much damage your spell takes from your AP. (For example Ezreal [Q] gains 20% more dmg from AP)

    +[X]BonusAD % (0~500): Specify how much damage your spell takes from your BonusAD (your bonus damage from items/masteries) (For example Ezreal [R] has different bonuses, varying from 30% to 100%)

    +[X]AD% (0~500): Specify how much damage your spell takes from your total AD (basedmg+bonusdmg). (For example Ezreal [Q] gains 100% from his total AD)

    Champion Specific Bonuses

    +[X]BonusFromMaxMana (0~10): Applies for Ryze, specifies how much bonus damage you take from your maximum mana for the specific spell. (For example Ryze [Q] takes 6% of his maxmana as dmg)

    +[R]%BonusFromEnemyAP (0~200): Applies for Veigar's Ultimate, specifies how much % bonus dmg you take from enemy AP.

    [X]%DmgAtlvl1Per/Maximum/Current/Missing/HP (XXX): Specifies if your spell does damage per Maximum/Current/Missing Health at level 1. (For example Mundo [Q] does 15% dmg of his enemy Current Health.)

    [X]%DmgPerlvlPer/Maximum/Current/Missing/HP (XXX): Specifies how much % more your spell gains per level. (For example Mundo [Q] gains 3% bonus per level from Current HP, calculated by 18-15=3)

    +[X]%HP/Maxi/Curr/Miss/BonusPer100AP (XX): Some spells gain bonus percent (or more) if you have 100 AP, with this you can specify this. (For example Zac [W] gains 2% more dmg from 100 AP).

    [X]DmgSelfCalculated (1): In some case, there might be a champion that needs this feature, for example "Darius Ultimate", in this case by enabling this, LOLHT will calculate the damage for you automaticly.

    ================================================== =====

    Whenever you play a champion for the first time, a config will be created in C:\LOLHT Configs v2 with it's name. In there you will find a section called "Hotkeys" and there you can change the keys used for your spells.

    A list with hotkeys in demical values you can find here: Virtual-Key Codes

    Und das wichtigste:

    Das ganze nochmal auf englisch / original thread:

    Geändert von Root-Core (12.07.2014 um 18:01 Uhr)

  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Root-Core For This Useful Post:

    Benzol (07.07.2014), NE0NG0LDx (08.07.2014), Sido (06.07.2014), The Dope Show (07.07.2014)

  3. #2

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    Standard AW: League Of Legends Helper Tool

    Ist es erlaubt? von Riot?!

  4. #3
    Avatar von Skindred
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    @Bruce Li

    Wenn Riot schon beim Timer von CurseVoice rummeckert wird sich die Frage wohl von alleine beantworten oder?
    Geändert von Darkfield (07.07.2014 um 05:46 Uhr) Grund: Vollzitat entfernt

  5. #4

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    Kenne ich nicht, also ja oder nein?

  6. #5
    Avatar von Bossgen
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    Standard AW: League Of Legends Helper Tool

    Natürlich ists nicht erlaubt. Juckt Riot aber ziemlich wenig, genauso wenig wie BoL.

    Name:  w_485_1331853599_abd0lljkq.jpg
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  7. #6

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    Standard AW: League Of Legends Helper Tool

    Also wenn ich das ganze nützen würde, würde Riot davon im prinzip nichts mitbekommen ?.
    Also ich weiß ja Riot juckt das nicht, aber ist das ganze nachweißbar ?.Ich will mit so einen
    blödsinn meinen Account natürlich nicht verlieren, aber wenn ich mir die Features so anschaue
    sind sie doch schon ganz nützlich.Ich werde mal das ganze mit meinen Smurf ausprobieren.


  8. #7

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    Standard AW: League Of Legends Helper Tool

    Also ich hab in letzter Zeit von einigen Fällen gehört in denen Spieler wegen Third-Party-Tools gebannt wurden, zumindest angeblich.
    Kann auch sein das man das nur gesagt hat um Leute von solchen Tools fernzuhalten, würde trotzdem lieber etwas aufpassen mit solchen Sachen.
    Aber ob Riot solche Tools überhaupt erkennen kann wage ich auch zu bezweifeln solange man nicht im Ingamechat damit agibt :p

  9. #8

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    Standard AW: League Of Legends Helper Tool

    Das Tool ist zwar laut der Riot TOS verboten, jedoch ist bisher noch niemand für das Verwenden des LoL-Helpers gesperrt worden.
    Allerdings kann ich euch nicht zu 100% garantieren, dass ihr nicht gesperrt werden.

    Niemand weiß so genau, wann/ob Riot dagegen vorgehen wird und welche Konsequenzen das haben wird..

    Geändert von Root-Core (12.07.2014 um 21:13 Uhr)

  10. #9

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    Riot implented an Anti-Cheat method in 4.13 | Incoming banwave for everyone who used scripts
    Geändert von Root-Core (01.08.2014 um 16:56 Uhr)

  11. #10
    Avatar von DMW007
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    Standard AW: League Of Legends Helper Tool

    Auf die Bitte von Finn poste ich folgende Antwort von ihm:

    Erstmal finde ich es lustig, dass du dich darüber aufregst und unbedingt möchtest, das Riot das Anti-Cheating Module verbessert, obwohl du selber Scripts benutzt hast.


    Zu dem Anti-Cheating Modul:

    Detection 1)
    (diese wurde von BoL gefixxt)
    Es wird beim Packet "PKT_S2C_EndSpawn" eine Funktion aufgerufen die überprüft ob einer der folgenden checksums mit den namen der DLL matched:

    static unsigned int checksums[] = {
    Die checksums stehen für die folgende dlls: Bol.dll, lolht.dll, lolhtlite.dll, mklol.dll und werden wie folgt errechnet:

    unsigned int
    checksum (char* dll)
        int length = strlen(dll);
        checksum = 0xD2C242D0;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            unsigned char key = ((unsigned char*)dll)[i];
            key = tolower(key);
            checksum = 0xFFFFFD * (checksum ^ key);
        return checksum;
    Die Funktion die die checksums errechnet und gecalled wird:

    int __usercall sub_57FF20<eax>(int a1<eax>, int a2<ecx>)
    An den Server zurück gesendet wird es über den OpCode 0x52.
    Das hat BoL 2 Tage nachdem der Patch live ging gepatcht. Schlechte Leistung.

    Detection 2)
    Auf dem PBE am 26.07.2014 wurde ein OpCode namens "MSG_EnableBotDetection" in den LoL Clienten hinzugefügt. Sobald der server das Paket sendet und der Client es empfängt wird ein "jmp" in "Game__ProcessWorldEvent" und "Game__SendPacket" gesetzt. Die check-range is rekursiv (fn) n+1.

    Wenn die Funktionen von woanders als "Game__LoadBuffer" gecalled werden, wird der account geflaggt über das Paket "0x52".

    Detection 3)
    Es werden zufällig Anti-Cheating Module zum Clienten gestreamt, sobald EnableBotDetection received wurde.

    (Noch nicht reversed)

    Credits to Finn

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